Matteo Clerici

Some time ago 

Personal details and contacts

Professor of Photonics

School of Engineering

University of Glasgow

Advanced Research Centre

G11 6EW,   Glasgow, UK

From October 1, 2023

Dipartimento di Scienza e Alta Technologia

Università degli Studi dell'Insubria

Via Valleggio, 11,

22100 Como, Italy


I received the Master degree (07/2006, 100/100 cum laude) and PhD (02/2010) in Physics from the Insubria University (Como, Italy). There, I worked in the group led by Prof. Di Trapani on nonlinear optics research themes in collaboration with Profs. Degiorgio's (University of Pavia, Italy) and Lugiato's (Insubria) groups. 

I have been a Postdoctoral Fellow for CNISM (2009-2010, Italy), working on extreme phase-matching through conical waves in the high-order harmonic generation process in collaboration with Profs. Biegert's (ICFO, Spain) and Di Trapani's groups.  I have been PEEE FQRNT Research Fellow (2011-2012) and Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellow (2012-2014) in the group led by Prof. Morandotti at INRS-EMT in Canada. There, I conducted research on plasma physics, Terahertz broadband generation and detection, bulk second- and third-order nonlinear effects and quantum optics. In 2014, I returned to Europe, at Heriot-Watt University, for the last year of the Marie Curie fellowship. There, I worked in the group led by Prof. Faccio, continuing my research on nonlinear optics, imaging and ultrafast phenomena. 

I was hired in October 2015 as an Assistant Professor at the School of Engineering of the University of Glasgow (UK), where I have established an independent research group, UNO (Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics), dedicated to the study of time-resolved nonlinear and quantum optical effects. I became an Associate Professor in August 2019 and a Full Professor in August 2022. From October 1st 2023, I am a Professor in Physics at the University of Insubria, Como (Italy). 

My research mainly focuses on quantum optics in the visible and infrared spectral region, THz photonics and epsilon-near-zero physics. 


I am the author of >75 publications in peer-reviewed journals, including 3 Nature Communications, 3 Science Advances, 2 Laser & Photonics Reviews, 9 Physical Review Letters, and 3 Optica. I am an inventor of 3 granted patents, author of 58 invited talks at international conferences, including 3 keynotes, and author of >130 conference contributions, including 3 post-deadline papers. I received the 2014 Sergio Panizza Award from the Italian Physical Society for his contribution to THz. I have been General Chair (2022) and Program Chair (2021) for IPR - Optica, and was on the committee panel of international photonics conferences (Photonics North, IPR and CLEO-OSA). I was a co-organiser of the Enrico Fermi Summer School “Frontiers in Modern Optics” of the Italian Physical Society (Varenna, Italy, 2014). I have been a member of the editorial board of Scientific Reports until 2024 and I am currently editor for Optics Letters. I am reviewer, among others, for Science, the Nature Publishing Group (Nature Communications, Nature Photonics and Scientific Reports), the American Physical Society (Physical Review X, Letters, A, E),  the American Chemical Society (ACS Photonics), the Optical Society (Optica, Optics Letters, Optics Express and others),  the Institute of Physics and Wiley. I am also a reviewer for the European Research Council (ERC); H2020; the Italian Ministry of Education University and Research (MIUR);  the U.S. Army Research Office; the MITACS Canada; the University of Florence; the Ontario Research Fund. I am a Full College Member of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).



At the University of Insubria

At the University of Glasgow